From The Dispatcher....
I want to thank the cast and crew of "In the Heights" for helping RCT reach new heights with this production. The show centers around the highs and lows of life and the joy of community, and our entire RCT community will only marvel at what our young artists have accomplished. Choreographer Alex Acevedo has done an exceptional job in not only telling the story through dance, but teaching the cast an entirely new way to move. Along with Music Director Eric Johnston, these two talented artists have taught our kids to soar to a level of excellence not often seen at this level.
Lin-Manuel Miranda's exceptional creation makes it easy to see why his current production of Hamilton is redefining what a Broadway Blockbuster is! Through their hard work and effort , this cast has created something that is truly indescribable, to which I can only say "Alabanza!" ("Praise to This!!)
Derek Woods