Keelin Moriarty
as Young Anna
Keelin is a 7th grader and was part of the ensemble as an Acting Student last year in River Bend’s production of Fame Jr. Keelin can regularly be found on the field, playing travel softball for the Ashburn Comets and the River Bend softball team. She would like to thank Mr. Simonton, Ms. Binger, Ms. Dober and the cast & crew. Enjoy the show.
Isabella Ventura
as Middle Anna
Isabelle Ventura is an 8th grader at River Bend. She can be recognized as Middle Anna in the Main Cast and Anna in the Understudy Cast. She has been in the cast in Beauty & Beast JR, The Internet is Distract-OH LOOK A KITTEN!, and Fame JR. Isabelle would like to thank her family, Mr. Simonton, Ms. Binger, and Ms. Dober for their support and guidance!
Rachel Sigler
as Anna
Rachel Sigler is an 8th grader at River Bend Middle School You might have seen her in Fame JR!, Beauty and the Beast JR, 6ft Scenes, and The Lion King Kids. She would like to thank her family and friends for being very supportive of her weirdness. Lastly, she wants to thank the entire cast and crew for making the show possible.
Jordyn Medina
as Young Elsa
Hi, I’m Jordyn Medina and I’m in sixth grade. I am thrilled to be in Frozen Jr. and love learning from the amazing teachers involved in this production. I have always been drawn to the stage and performing. Much of my free time is spent preparing for dance competitions. Now, buckle your reindeers, put on a carrot nose and LET IT GO!
Naya Strunk
as Middle Elsa
Naya Strunk is in 8th grade and she´s been in drama on the year of 2021 in online school. She´s creative, clever, likes to draw, and she has interests in theater and animation.The Frozen Jr Musical is (or was??) her first musical she played as the cast in, and her only one in this school. she also has made a few original scripts for Drama.