Romeo and Juliet - November 12 - November 13, 2021

Rim of the World High School


  • The famous balcony scene would not have been the same without help from Mr. Pete Ferrara and the students in Woodshop. Thank you for building Juliet’s iconic balcony (and stairs)!
  • Thank you to our cameo appearances by Mr. Jim Olsen, Mr. James Harris, and our principal, Ms. Burke!
  • Huge appreciation goes out to our parent volunteers, including Amy Hoffman for making sure we were fueled up with snacks, and James Harris who showed up (even on Saturdays) with ice, power tools, and the willingness to stand-in for actors who were out.
  • Thank you to the many staff members who donated props, helped advertise, and cheered students on from the sidelines! Your support of this effort is priceless.





A Note From The Directors:



It is an exhilarating yet scary feeling to step back into our theatre after nearly two years. The directors would like to recognize the effort and commitment of this incredible cast and crew. You have carried an enthusiasm for these characters and this language from the beginning and your love for this play, this stage, and your fellow cast and crew, have made the making of this show very special. Remember to work hard, be kind, and have fun! 

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