Annie - November 22 - November 23, 2013

Ridgewood High School

 Director's Note 

There's something universal about the feeling of hope.  All of us are keenly aware of the realities of everyday life and are intimately aware of its hardships.  So the splendid offering of “the sun will come out tomorrow,” offers each of us the refreshing reminder that indeed the sun will rise in the morning and a new day will begin.  It’s even the kind of stuff that helps people become elected officials, or even presidents of a country.  That no matter how hard life may be today, there is always the hope that it can get better tomorrow.  This is the universal appeal of Annie.  The down-on-her luck reluctant orphan who chooses not to be knocked down and rises above it all because she is the hope we all need in our lives.  There are some who may view it as the classic “rags-to-riches” tale, much like that of Cinderella or Pretty Woman, but unlike those, Annie doesn’t need a “handsome prince” to rescue her.  Instead it’s quite the opposite.  Annie’s introduction to Warbucks, a billionaire at a time when so many have nothing, is not written to allow Annie to be taken from her rags lifestyle, but to provide Warbucks the opportunity to be infected by Annie’s optimism and good nature.  In other words, he needs her to remind him that there is good in all people.  So in all, it is perpetual optimism with a reminder that it is our responsibility to help those who need it the most that makes Annie worthy of one of the greatest musicals.  Enjoy the production and remember tomorrow is only a day away!

This show has been helped along the way by our very own


 We like to give a special thanks to those who have generously contributed their time and talents whether it was making sure the kids were fed to helping with props, makeup and costumes. We appreciate all the time and effort you donated to make this production a success:

Corrrie Williams and family
Elizabeth Ringelstein
Collette Scaletta
Cheryl Flinn
Giovanna Portanova

















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