Winter Briefs - February 03 - February 04, 2023

Ridgefield High School


The director, cast and crew of this production would like to thank:


Ridgefield Board of Education

Dr. Susie DaSilva, Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Jacob Greenwood, Principal, RHS

Michael McNamara, Visual and Performing Arts Department Chairperson

Patricia Boutilier, RHS English Department Chairperson

Angela Loweth, RHS Front Office

Cathy Lorusso, RHS Student Life Office


RHS Custodial Staff

RHS Maintenance Staff

Jim Cox

Adam Lobelson

Ridgefield Cleaners



With thanks to the families and friends of our students who so generously give of their time for every play and musical.


With thanks for the support of our RHS Theatre Boosters Board: 

Michelle Briody, Jessica Cohen, Melissa DeMeo, Daria Holian, Ivy Huff,

Martha Huitron, Mary Joyce, Dan McCausland, Victoria McCausland,

Emily Mills, Jim Munson








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