The Addams Family - March 15 - March 23, 2019

Ridgefield High School

 End Notes 

The director, cast and crew of this production would like to thank:


Ridgefield Board of Education

Dr. William Collins, Superintendent

Dr. Stacey Gross, Principal, RHS

Michael Rivera, RHS Visual & Performing Arts Chairperson

Angela Loweth, RHS Front Office

Cathy Lorusso, RHS Student Life Office

Patti Mitten, RHS Front Office

Michael Murphy, RHS Robotics Teacher


RHS Custodial Staff

Jim Cox

Molly Cook & Jeannine Carr

Renee Purdy and the Warner Theatre Costume Shop

Phil Ruckel

Tiger Sports

Ridgefield Cleaners


Morticia, Fester and eight original ancestor costumes were designed exclusively for The Warner Theatre by Lesley Nielson Bowman and Renee Purdy.


With thanks to the families and friends of our students who so generously give of their time for every play and musical.


With thanks to the RHS Theatre Boosters Board, who give their time and fundraising support to the RHS theatre productions: Deirdre Basile, Sherry Briody, Mary Carey, Renee Fozouni, Nora Gaydos, Ivy Huff, Tanya Jaeger, Alison McLoughlin, Jim Munson, Carolyn Parker, and Alison Smolin.



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