Anecia Akeen
as Duncan
Anecia Akeen is a junior at RHS. She has been in shows like Chamber Music, Arcadia, and Animal Farm. She would like to thank her mom and her friends for supporting her.
Maya Jiannino
as Malcolm
Maya Jiannino is a junior at Richardson High School. She is very excited to participate and this production. Her family is very supportive of her involvement in her first ever Shakespeare show. She has previously participated in shows at both RHS and RCT. She would like to thank her family and friends for coming to the show and supporting her!
Melia Barker Corona
as Donalbain
Melia is a 7th grade theatre student from West JH. Besides theatre, she likes orchestra and reading. She would like to thank her friend Brooklyn for all her fun and support.
Francesca DiFazio
as Lady Macbeth
Francie Di Fazio (Lady Macbeth) is a senior in Richardson High School theatre. She has appeared in roles such as Tiny Tim (Mrs. Bob Cratchit’s Wild Christmas Binge), The Big Bad Wolf (The Three Ninja Pigs), and Mr. Smee (Peter Pan Jr.) but this is her first leading role in a multiple act play. She has enjoyed every bit of this production and hopes you enjoy it too!