Seussical - February 23 - February 28, 2015

Reynolds Secondary School

 A Message From the Director 

Welcome to Seussical!  This year we faced one of our biggest challenges in taking on a show that is almost entirely musical numbers.  I’m grateful to Dave Flello, our pit band director, Nette Martin, our choral director, and Kanika Jackson, our choreographer, for their amazing work in bringing this show to our stage.  In some ways it may be the most difficult show we’ve ever tackled. 


Thanks to the folks who make the show look so good—Ellen Kierulf and our amazing costume team, Ken Packford and his wood class students, Stu Wheeler for his building skills, and our scene designer, Georgia McWilliams, who created our set art alongside Megan Lantham.


Our cast and pit band have worked many hours to be ready for opening, and the crew have faced an interesting series of challenges from creating unusual set pieces and props, to painting the backdrops you see on our stage.


All of this is possible due to the work of our parents—thanks to all who helped out with the silent auction, led by Janet Danks, Pam Prewett and Annette Tremblay.  Thank you as well to the generous donors and our program sponsors—we encourage you to support the businesses who have supported musical theatre students here at Reynolds.  As well as a special thank you to our Parent’s Advisory Council for making this show possible.   


Seussical is a whimsical story that brings back many childhood memories.  Horton is a hero who is constant and true, and sticks up for the smallest and most helpless in the face of mean-spirited bullies who challenge him—a fitting theme as we celebrate Pink Shirt Day at Reynolds this week.  This is a story that can appeal to young and old, and our cast is thrilled to be able to share it with you.




Enjoy the show!





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