This year's spring musical combined the unique and varied talents of over sixty students, staff, and community members. The entire cast and crew of The Addams Family would like to thank the following:
*George Hegarty for his years of endless support and dedication to theatre at RPA.
*Linda Nye for bringing the best out of our students & brightening our day.
*Jonathan Moore for his help in the audition room & his excellent vocal coaching.
*Mike Swiatkowski for stepping in as a tango partner & helping with build.
*Darren Kling, Joe McCook, & Todd McGuire for assisting with building our mansion.
*Central HS & Pentacle Theater for lending us some haunting costume pieces.
*Jeff Witt for being a gem & assisting us with all kinds of resources.
*Donna Torcom for helping with a wide array of our random needs.
*Jim Bull of Central Oregon Sound & Security for giving us great sound.
*Ryan McLaughlin for his time and help with voice recordings for our shows.
*Alison Blakemore, Sandy Cloud, & Sarah Lopez for all of their great help.
*Sten Swanston and Amy Kappel for their ongoing guidance.
*Our wonderful community for donating to our raffle baskets.
Congratulations Natalie Lawton and Grace Sorensen!

Natalie and Grace were accepted into the Northwestern High School Institute summer Theatre Arts program (AKA Cherubs). The highly competitive National High School Institute Theatre Arts Division is a five-week summer program comprised of classes and performances that will take place at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois from June 28 – August 1.
Natalie was admitted as one of only eight stage management Cherubs and Grace was selected to stay an additional two weeks for the Musical Theatre extension.