Chicago Teen Edition - December 01 - December 04, 2022

Red Phoenix Theatre Company

 Who's Who 

  • Audrey Aultman head shot

    Audrey Aultman

    Audrey is so excited to be a part of Red Phoenix’s production of Chicago! She just recently performed in their production of Phantom of the Opera, which happens to be the inspiration which led her into musical theatre! Notable performances include Young Fiona “Shrek the Musical”, Debra Worthington “The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens”, among others. A recent inductee into the National Thespian Society & honor graduate, Audrey is pursuing a BFA in Acting with Gainesville Theatre Alliance at University of North Georgia.

  • Shomit Ayub head shot

    Shomit Ayub

    Shomit Ayub, who is playing the role of Fred Casely, is excited for the show Chicago, as it is his first ever musical. He attends Walton High School and has a history of playing music including guitar, clarinet, and private singing lessons, so he decided to take his first steps into theater. And what an amazing show to start with.

  • Meredith Binney head shot

    Meredith Binney

    Meredith is so excited to play June in her 2nd production with Red Phoenix in addition to 6 other shows with the Braggs. Her favorite shows she’s been in are Bright Star, Newsies, and Beauty and the Beast. She would like to thank her parents and the Braggs for every theatrical opportunity they’ve given her.

  • Hunter Bowen head shot

    Hunter Bowen

    This is Hunter's 3rd Red Pheonix show, and his 6th show overall. He is super excited about being in Chicago, it's been a show he's wanted to do since forever. He would like to thank his parents for supporting him through everything, Crestard for getting him into theater, and the Braggs for all they do.

  • Jackson DeWitt head shot

    Jackson DeWitt

    Jackson is excited to take the stage again with Red Phoenix in Chicago! He previously appeared in Matilda Jr. and Phantom of the Opera. He has also been in productions of Willy Wonka Jr., Moana Jr., Frozen Jr., and The Little Mermaid Jr. He’s grateful to his family, friends, and voice teacher, Haden for their support. He’d also like to thank Eric & Anna for this opportunity!

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