Mary Poppins - March 27 - April 07, 2018

Red Mountain High School

 Production Staff 

Production Staff  
Matt Erickson  
Music Director  
Joseph Johnston  
Taryn Tidwell  
Orchestra Conductor  
Jennifer Hamilton  
Set Designer / Technicial Director  
Chris Burk  
Costume Designer  
Aurilea Flores  
Stage Manager  
Amber O'Rielly  
Stage Manager  
Analise Ziebell  
Production Manager  
Jessica Palermo  
Student Director  
Jessica McKissick  
Costume Coordinators  
Lorena Seeley and Lachelle Hull
Dialect Coach  
Diane Senffner  
Sound Designer  
Joseph Johnston  
Lighting Consultant  
Skye Bradsher  
Assistant Tech Director  
Silvio Gillespie  
Design Consultant  
Jennifer Shoemaker  
Prop Mistress  
Rebekah Avila  
Flight Director  
Harry Christensen  
Fly Captain  
Derek Larson  
Fly Operartor  
Wyatt Crosby, MacKenzie Hutchison, Jessica Palermo
Shanell Gambell  
Lighting Designer  
Isabelle Kaleta  
Prop Manager  
Amaiya Scott  
Sound Effects / Board Operator  
Eldon Porter  
Sound Board Operator  
Parker Bickle  
Tech Theatre Class  
Randi Baugh, Parker Bickle, Kayta Haynes, Mackenzie Hutchison, Isabelle Kaleta, Alexandra Nichols, Amaiya Scott, Gabe Strickland, Bailey Vaughn, Analise Ziebell
Metal Fabricators  
Hunter Atwater, Kaleb Brookshire, Sean O'Tool, Josh Martin.

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