Notes From The Directors
"Little Women the Musical" is a striking musical adaptation of a beloved literary classic. It's grounded in Louisa May Alcott's tremendous writing and is brimming with the life of a musical, which is so appropriate to the story of the March girls and their journey as a family through travail and triumph. It is also a timely musical. We live in a global community where still, in 2017, only half of the world's working-age women are in the labor force and women with full-time jobs still earn only about 77% of their male counterparts' earnings. Even more, every year, an estimated 15 million girls under 18 are married worldwide with little or no say in the matter. The March women struggle to balance their personal needs and the needs of the family, a struggle that transcends time and is ever relevant in our modern world if not more so with the advances of technology. Jo March, in particular, refuses to conform to societies expectations and challenges female stereotypes. Her story begs us to confront our truths and live our lives genuinely.
It has been such a wonderful journey working with this talented cast of “Little Women the Musical.” Together we strive to bring to you the many truths that the March sisters have as they aspire to live their dreams in a way that our Randall audience will enjoy. We have had many laughs, some tears, utter joy and intimate discoveries about our characters in creating this production for our audiences. Alex and I have been inspired by the passion of these artist who have chosen to dedicate their time to our work on the Randall stage. We hope that they will inspire you to be adventurous, takes risks and work hard to achieve your goals.
Rebecca K. Campbell and Alex Boyles