The King and I - January 15 - January 17, 2015

RL Turner High School

 A note from the Directors 


         We are extremely proud of this production. The quality of the cast, pit orchestra, stage crew and other production team members are outstanding. A truly successful production however, involves more than what is presented on stage. It should not only be an artistic learning experience, but a personal one as well. Ms. Lambert and I are especially proud of the cooperation, mutual respect, the level of commitment, and the teamwork that has been demonstrated by everyone involved in this production. These students have put egos aside and discovered that whether they had one line or fifty, were on or off stage, that everyone shares equally in the pride and success of such accomplishement.


We would like to extend our gratitude and thanks to the Theater Booster Club for their involvement and support!


Thank you to the Turner Administration for the support you always give the Arts within our school.


Thank you to Brett Farr and Dawn Valentine for always being there for us when we need anything.


Thank you to the parents and community that comes out and always supports the work we do here at Turner. We know it takes a village to raise a child and we appreciate you always allowing us to keep your child here late into the night in support of what they love.


Tonight we ask that you sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor!



Elizabeth Lambert and Michael Hollomon


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