Seussical Jr. - March 20 - March 22, 2015

Queen's Grant Community School

 End Notes 

Notes from the Director...
  • Cast - I can't believe it, but we actually did it!  Thank you for being the most encouraging, supportive, well-behaved group of students I've ever had the pleasure of working with.  You guys are AMAY-ZING!
  • 7th Grade Cast Members - I'm proud of you for putting up with me every Sunday, plus all morning in class, all afternoon in rehearsals, and all evening during show week.  How are we not tired of each other already?
  • Parents - Thank you for being so cooperative and understanding with the crazy schedule required to put on a show!  I couldn't do it without you!
  • Pam - You're never allowed to retire from costuming.  Ever.  Seriously.  This show would be nothing without you.
  • Meghan - Thank you for dealing with all my levels of seriousness.  Knowing you were at rehearsals to help me did all sorts of miracles on my stress levels.
  • Laura Beth - You are one of the most creative and energetic people I know.  Please bottle that and sell it.  I will be your first customer.
  • Mike, Sally, and Ginger - Thank you for spending your Sunday afternoons hanging out in my garage to paint sets with my husband.  That makes you seriously cool.
  • Angie - Thank you for all your help and creativity with props.  Can I make you and Pam a package deal and keep you both?
  • Sandy - Thank you for all your work on this fabulous Playbill and all your photography skills!
  • QG Staff - Thank you for your flexibility and forgiveness with anything and everything.  You're so much more than co-workers.
  • Tiffany - I would not be standing where I am today without you.  You taught me everything I know about directing a musical...and being a teacher.
  • To my family - for always checking on my sanity levels and putting up with my insane schedule for the past two months.
  • To Rob, my husband - you have spent every free moment making this musical work; from hours online learning to make stage lighting work, building and painting the set, to making the DVD, to taking care of this worn-out director.  You're more than I could ever ask for.


And to my eighth graders...your dedication over the years has been outstanding! You are leaders and role models that will go out into the world and do AMAY-ZING things! Anything's possible!

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