As a performer I have received hundreds, maybe thousands, of rejection emails, phone calls and text messages but back in June last year as I sat up in my bed surrounded by tissues, my body encumbered by a sinus infection I received the rejection text message that sent me over the edge. And this one wasn’t about a job. It was from a boy, a man, a muppet, whom I really liked but turns out… didn’t really like me. Call him what you will (man or muppet) – I owe him one for the inspo. Over the three days that followed I consumed 3 boxes of Guylian chocolates, went through 5 boxes of tissues (and not all of it was for the sinus infection), drank approximately 9 cups of tea and wrote 32 pages of manic monologue that has somehow turned into this monster of a show.
This show isn’t just for the women – it’s for anyone who has ever been on a “date” – a “date” being a “Catch-up” or a “coffee” or a “Drink” that turned into the very worst hour or two or 4… of your life. A “date” that you thought went well but turns out they were just faking it or being polite. It’s for anyone whose been ghosted, stood up, cheated on, mentally or physically abused by a partner, gaslighted, has hurt or cried over someone that didn’t deserve you, and ultimately come out the other side of – stronger, braver and even more amazing than they were before.
Sure, it’s a funny show – I’ve made choices that I’m bold enough to admit were less than sensible or rational – but it’s also incredibly real. It was cathartic to write it, so I hope in some way, whether that be through laughter or tears you find something cathartic about it too.
I have so many people to thank. Firstly, my wonderful mother, for her continued love and support, her never-ending encouragement and unfailing faith.
My brother, my father and extended family for sitting through a thousand recitals, eisteddfods and amateur performances, for their warmth and generosity and love.
My friends who endured hysterical phone calls and so many zoom reads so I could get this thing right. Thank you for your patience and your support.
Jack, Jodi and the team at Panimo – I never thought this thing would exist outside of my house but it turns out there are people in the world just as whacky as me. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thank you to KXT for supporting young, independent Australian artists – there aren’t enough theatre out there like you, championing new work and lifting up new voices.
The team – Carly, Charlotte, Natalie – you ladies are legends. I am nothing without your genius. Thank you for your belief in this show – I still can’t believe there are people out their insane enough to want to do this. The effort and energy you have poured into this show is beyond incredible. I am in awe and blessed to be surrounded by these fierce women.
A particular thank you to Monique Harmer – the greatest photographer in Sydney (my humble opinion). She has given her time, passion and talent to this project more times than I can count, and she continually makes me look attractive. I’m not quite sure how – but she does it.
To my Muppet men – all 6 of them – they have unwittingly, unknowingly and without any consent lent themselves to this show – this is their story as well – but mainly mine. Yeah, it’s mine.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this show to Linda Golding. Thank you for the laughs, the often-unheeded relationship advice, and your never-ending faith that somehow, someday I would make it – I hope you’re watching.