Peter Pan (Play) - July 29 - August 07, 2022

Pullman Civic Theatre

 End Notes 



When we consider what choices, we have as children making our way to adulthood, we can see that none of them are without consequences. Perhaps in our struggle to hold onto the best of our young selves while we keep this perspective and bear the burdens of adult life, we somehow sacrifice something precious. The question is: can we as adults retain something of that glorious freedom we enjoy as children?


Peter Pan chooses to give up his developmental responsibilities to remain a boy forever, but it is clear that what he gives up are the attachments to those he cares about. He cannot forever remain a child without giving up those precious moments that are the milestones of accomplishments which we call “growing up”. He will not be able to be comforted by his past, nor keep the memories of Wendy, John, Michael and even Tink. He doesn’t even remember the triumph of besting Hook. Always living in the moment robs him of his past. Is that an acceptable trade-off? You must decide.


J.M. Barrie reveals some uncomfortable truths for me, since I am now some distance from my own carefree days. The comfort I take must be in my memories of those times when life was not threaded through with the complications of adult responsibilities and choices.


What does remain constant is the joy I find in helping these young actors find their places in the balance of fun and responsibility. They are eager, smart, willing, bright, and beautiful. Maybe that is our brief as mentors to the young. Life IS a balancing act, and maintaining our joy in it at all cost will result in adults like ourselves who still know how to cut loose and have fun. Enjoy our show.



Penelope Gonzales, Director

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