Welcome to The Last Five Years, a unique musical that tells the story of a five-year relationship between Cathy and Jamie. The show, written by Jason Robert Brown, takes an unusual approach to storytelling, Cathy’s perspective starts at the end of their relationship and Jamie’s from the beginning. The musical shows the ups and downs of relationships and the balancing of personal and professional human emotions through the two main characters.
As the director of this production, my goal is to bring the emotions and complexities of the show to the forefront. The use of music and lyrics emphasize the characters and their individual journeys. The music plays the most important role and blends many different musical styles, from ballads to pop to jazz.
The unique structure of the show presents a challenge for us as a production team. Our goal is to create a blended transition between the two characters and present it as one complete story.
Overall, The Last Five Years is a wonderfully written musical that presents the complexities of personal relationships in a very unique way. As director, I am excited to work with friends and family in creating an emotional experience for the audience. I hope you enjoy the talented cast and crew of The Last Five Years.