“We will never do Grease at Princeville” There are several people that have heard me exclaim this numerous times adding to the old cliche…never say never!
This production has been a truly unique production and it’s been so gratifying as a teacher and director to watch so many kids step up and fill the bigger roles! These kids are amazing! In this cast we have volleyball players, football players, cross country runners, golfers, the FFA Section President and kids that have been involved in musical productions and shows outside of school. Every year I’m amazed by the amount of sports and activities these kids juggle! I can count on one hand the rehearsals where everyone was in attendance. Seniors... You missed your sophomore year musical, and performed your junior year musical in masks! I’m so thankful you get to end your musical careers in a “normal production!”
I’d like to thank Mr. Duling for his years of service here in our district. He was so instrumental in getting the new curtains for our stage and school!
Lastly, I want to thank someone who is so integral to the success of our musicals every year! I’m sure he doesn’t think he deserves these accolades as I know he thinks he’s “just doing his job”. Our Junior High Athletic Director Steve Bosch makes sure that we can have the gym the entire week before the show. We set our stuff up on Saturday and it stays up the entire production week! He reschedules games and practices to ensure we have the gym for production week! I thank him all the time, but I want to acknowledge him publicly for his contribution to what we do is invaluable! Thank you, Steve!
Sit back, relax and let us transport you back to a simpler time…and remember…if you enjoy watching the show half as much as we enjoy performing it…then we enjoyed it twice as much as you!!!