A special thanks to the following individuals and businesses whose support and generosity make our productions possible.
- PHS Administrators, Counselors & Deans
- Corry Petersen & Chris Leonard, PHS Music
- Gregg Osterhout
- Price Johnston & CSU School of Music, Theatre & Dance
- Lili & Doster, Projections Superstars!
- John Garner & Victor Walters, Fossil Ridge High School Music Department
- Justina French
- Greg Gilmore
- Adrienne Short
- MaryAnn Michaels
- Joseph’s Hardware
- Jane Basile
- Parents who donated various wonderful oddities and their time
- Roland Kuehn
- Julia Peltz
- Don Cox
- Peter Stackhouse
- Verna Armstrong
- Grayson Electrical
- Mawson Lumber
- Kate Benessa
- Kara Rudnick
- Melanie, Jackson & Taryn
- Parent Meal & Intermission Volunteers
- and all the families and friends whose patience, flexibility and support make it all possible!