West Side Story - March 06 - March 09, 2014

Porter-Gaud School






I would like to extend special thanks to my

Production Team of Ashley Stock, Steffanie Arnold,

Todd Monsell, Jeannie Gleaton, Amy Stiglic, Karmon Wright,

G.W. Jillich, and Dr. Amanda Castellone. 

A super job by all involved! 


A special “thank you” goes out to Deryl Farr (Plant Manager)  for taking on the duties of Master Carpenter

in our set construction phase. 

He has once again donated numerous hours of his skills and abilities.


Additional heartfelt thanks to

David Miller, Ricky Hicks, 

Kael Martin, and Robert Brown!


~~There are no words to express my sincere gratitude!~~


A huge thank you goes out to

Matt Dillon, Saida Russell, Cammy Dennis,

Marion Gilchrist,  Lynn Bowley,

and the entire Porter-Gaud Parent’s Guild

for their assistance with concessions, refreshments, and ticketing.


Thanks to Chris Young and  Marty Bluford of High Output

for their expertise and willingness to go the extra mile!

A very special “thank you” to Al Trivette,

and the facilities staff

for their continued help and support!


Additional thanks to Giles Taylor and Hokus Pokus!


Our sincere appreciation to all administration, faculty, staff,

and parents for their support.






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