Alexys Bartok
Alexys Bartok is a 13 year-old Freshman at Ponderosa High School and is very excited to be a part of the Ponderosa fall play. She has been previously seen in Seussical as the elephant bird and as a villager, salt shaker, and wolf in Beauty and the Beast.
Taylor Bartosh
Taylor Bartosh is a 15 year old Sophomore and she is ecstatic to be in her second production with Ponderosa Drama. She would like to thank her friends and family for being so supportive during this process... Break a leg everyone!
Mason Bergenholtz
Mason Bergenholtz is a 15 year-old sophomore at Ponderosa High School. He was in the musical She Loves Me last year and is thrilled to be a part of the play this year. He would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him in everything he’s done.
Jason Block
Jason Block is a 16 year-old Junior at Ponderosa High School. This is his second production at Ponderosa and he looks forward to more fun. He would like to thank his family, friends, and spider-man for teaching him that with great power comes with great responsibility #HONORARYX
Katelyn Clevenger
Katelyn is a Junior at Ponderosa and this is her first show. She is so happy for this chance and that she gets to be back with her drama people. Shout out to her wonderful family! And Teisha of course :)