The following information will enhance your visit and help to ensure that all patrons enjoy the experience of the performance to the fullest.
Arrival - It is suggested that you arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the performance to allow ample time to use the auditorium’s facilities, find seats, and settle in for the performance.
Late Seating - Late comers will be seated at the discretion of the management at the first convenient pause in the program.
During the Performance - Once the show is underway, we request that you don’t talk, whisper, sing, hum, or move personal belongings. This will ensure that you, other patrons, and the performers enjoy the full benefits of the performance. Patrons should also refrain from entering and exiting the hall while the show is in progress. Ushers are stationed at entrances and exits. If you must leave your seat, please proceed quickly and quietly to the nearest door or ask the nearest usher for assistance.
Electronic Devices - Cellular phones, beepers, watches, electronic organizers, and other noise-alarm devices should be switched to silent mode.
Program Notes - The purpose of the program book is to provide you with the information concerning the show. It contains a synopsis of the show, a more detailed listing of scenes and songs, the location of the intermission, as well as the Cast of Characters, Orchestra, Personnel, Production Staff, and Patrons and Donor lists. We have also included some information about the Ponaganset High School Music Department and the production of the musical.
During Intermission - During intermission, patrons may visit the concession tables, and use the auditorium’s facilities. Please note that no food or beverage is allowed inside the auditorium.
Cameras/Recording Equipment - The musical, Grease: School Version, is copyrighted and the rights holders are Samuel French, Inc., a Concord Theatricals Company. For this reason, and because it’s distracting to the performers, the use of photography and/or video cameras is prohibited. The Ponaganset High School Music Department has secured the right to make one archival video recording of this production. The recording may only be used for archival purposes. It shall not be recopied, distributed, or otherwise exploited in whole or in part in any media now known or hereafter developed without the prior written approval of Samuel French or Concord Theatricals federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for those unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes or video desks. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI.