PHS Musical Theatre would like to say a speacial thank you to the following for your help with this production.
Brown University TAPS Department
Carolyn Dellinger
PHS Art Department - Heather Bovenzi, Nancy Boyden, and the art students.
The PHS Custodial Staff for all of your work to help make this production happen.
The spouses and significant others of all adults involved in the production. Your support helps all of us.
Rhode Island Youth Theatre - Ann O'Grady
Tiffany Medrano for your photography work.
PHS Technology Department - You are all amazing!
STEM Academy Teacher Steven Martin
Patrons and Donors
Pollard Law
Rhode Island Deparmtent of Education
Act II Arts Initiatve Grant
We would like to thank all the individuals, organizations, and businesses that have assisted in the production of this show. Without your help and support, Grease would simply not have been possible