The Ponaganset High School
Music Department
For more than 60 years, the PHS Music Department has served thousands of young musicians as one of the most prestigious high school music programs. Under the leadership of Music Director Derek Sabatini, the Ponaganset High School Music Department remains committed to artistic excellence and strong student participation in a variety of performance, academic, and technology areas.
Annually, the Ponaganset Chamber Chorus and Concert Chorus, under the direction of Derek Sabatini, and the Band, directed by James Mullen, present concerts for the community, participate in state music festivals, and compete successfully in national and international music competitions.
The Music Department offers two distinguished Programs/Pathways. In the Music Education and Performance Program, students will participate in an ensemble for four levels of ensembles, either instrumental or choral. Continuing, students will partake in an EEP/Advanced Placement Music Theory course, as well as two levels of EEP Music History.
The Music Technology Program offers students the opportunity to take three levels of music technology, as well as 3 levels of ensembles, either instrumental or choral.
In addition to the above opportunities, the music department also offers four
Guitar and four Piano instruction courses, as well as class in Music Appreciation.
Music Department Personnel
Jonathan Medeiros..................................................Music Technology, Guitar, Piano
James Mullen..........................................Band Director, Music Theory, Music History
Derek Sabatini.........................................................Choral Director, Music Director
School Administration
Dr. Renee Palazzo..........................................................Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Karyn Sarkis........................................................Director of Student Services
Mrs. Amanda Grundel.............................................................................Principal
Ms. Karlene Murray...................................................................Associate Principal
Ms. Patricia Hill.........................................................................Assistant Principal