We offer sincere gratitude to those in our community who support the mission of The Pocket Community Theatre:
stimulate, promote, educate and develop interest
in the dramatic arts.
Producer $5000+
Estate of John F. Baran
Stage Manager $1000+
Roxanne Butterfield
Ray and Kerry Owen
Linda Palmer
Linda Rickel
Trinity Foundation
Star $500+
Charlie and Jonna Devine
David Fleming and Karla Hefty
Clyde Porterfield
Carol Thomason
Robert and Mary Zunick
Actor $250+
John and Kathryn Crawford
Steve and Marcia Dobbs-Smith
Carol Scholp
Promoter $100+
David Appel, Jr.
Steve and Jackie Arrison
Christopher and Rita Blackwood
Dan and Stacy Breshears
Country Club Village
Linda A. Doherty
Rene and Karen Duchac
Denise and Charles Falls
Sharon P. Stuart
Sam and Jodi Tooke
Linda Traylor
We are thankful for all community support but especially grateful for these supporters:
Pocket Lighters
We’re grateful for promoters who donated the amazing light fixtures that illuminate our stage! The new fixtures, designed for modern bulbs, give more consistent, easier-to-design stage lighting and allow adjustable beams for more creative lighting in acting areas. We’ve honored them with a permanent plaque near the house right exit. We used every single one of the new 20 lights for this show!
Donations gratefully accepted at pockettheatre.com