We would like to extend a special thank you to the following:
- Set Build Crew: Tom Heagy (Director/Set Designer), Tom Brown, Candy Cole, Hattie Diaz, Andre Eaton, Diane Hallen, Quinton Hallen, Kim Heagy, Doug Isbeque, Pam Isbeque, Carrie Kiger, Terry Mulligan, Christopher Nathan, Jackson Trent, Bill Walker, Jeff Wit, Steph Wyatt
- Custom-made French doors for the set by Tom Heagy (Director/Set Designer).
- Beth Harrison, who provided additional creative support for graphic design.
- Rich St. George (Cresswind Neighborhood Theatre), who coordinated with Wilton and Diane Rooks to loan us their gong.
- Hattie N. Smith, who, in addition to playing our fabulous Yvette, coordinated the hilarious and complex stunts seen throughout the play.
- Tony Muhammad (Forever Struck, LLC), for capturing photos of the show
And, as always, thank you to our wonderful family, friends, and members of the community who have come to watch us work a bit of stage magic. You're why we do what we do, and we love doing it!