reviewed over 30 live high school productions. We shared their praise and constructive feedback with the directors and casts in support of their artistic growth.
Youth today must navigate a rapidly-changing world. Their abilities to adapt, collaborate and revise prepares them for life on and off the stage. Whether analyzing texts, working as an ensemble or building sets, students actively develop skills that prepare them for any stage of life. Theatre in our schools provides our participating teens a place and time to explore big issues safely through substantial theatrical works and from their personal stories in dedicated classes, rehearsals and performances.
On behalf of NYCDOE Arts Office, thank you for supporting these young theatre makers, their gifted teacher directors who inspire our youth to unleash their creative gifts and to their school communities who recognize the impact of a dedicated theatre education for all students. Thank you to my colleague Daryl Embry who helps me produce the Festival with professionalism and grace. Thank you to our friends at the Power Station/BerkleeNYC for their amazing engineering support and clear passions for our work. A tremendous thank you to our inspiring Broadway presenters--friends who lent their hearts and voices in support of our teens. And I especially want to thank The Shubert Foundation for their ongoing support of the Festival and arts education in our NYC schools, now more than ever.
Stay safe, stay creative.
Festival Producer
Director of Theater
NYC Department of Education