Create Your Own Playbill Program -





1. Who can use PLAYBILLDER?

Anyone involved with an educational or amateur live performance can use PLAYBILLDER. We also work with private events like weddings, bar mitzvahs, and birthday parties—any event that could use some extra theatrical flair. If you want to use PLAYBILLDER for a for-profit venture, please drop us a line at for prior approval.


2. What is needed to create a program with PLAYBILLDER?

All you need is the name of your production. We ask for performance dates and venue when creating a new production, but you can fill those details in later if you don't have that information yet.


3. Do I need to use all of the section templates?

No! Only the Cover section is mandatory. Any sections not made public will not appear online or in print copies.


4. I've created my program using a different platform. Can I pay the licensing fee and use the Playbill logo anyway?

No. PLAYBILLDER is the only Playbill-approved method of using the Playbill logo on a program.


5. What's the difference between an Official and Personal program?

Official programs can be set up to require approval by a producer or mentor before a section can become public and printable. This is a great way to get students involved with making programs.






You can email us at, or call our live help desk Monday through Friday from 10 AM to 6PM ET (excluding major holidays) at 212-557-5757, extension 167.

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