The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon - November 04

Pinewood Preparatory School


We are so thankful that you

have come to our show! 


This could not have happened without the Pinewood community. We would like to thank the following people:




  • The parents for helping with costumes, and being flexible with rehearsals (THANK YOU!)
  • The Fine Arts Department for their continued support and teamwork
  • Middle and High School volunteers:  Skylynn Doby, Dana Dueñas Tafur, Michael Fortkort, Cooper Kirkman, Rori Kern, Kiyah Morris
  • Virginia Cunningham, Alicia Harter, Denisse Tafur, Amber Reed
  • Mrs. Martin, Mr. Latham, and the entire Communications Department for help with setup and promotion
  • Cerissa Roberts for help with costumes and rehearsal notes (P.S.  Thank you for teaching Nicholas how to dance)
  • The faculty and staff for their support
  • Everyone who took time out of their day to support these students!








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