The Lightning Thief The Percy Jackson Musical - April 11 - April 13, 2024

Pine Ridge High School

 End Notes 


Years ago when Lightning Thief first opened at the Lucille Lortelle Theatre in New York City, I hopped in a van with my sister and three friends on a 48-hour, round trip quest to watch the musical. We drove all night, arrived in the afternoon, watched the play, met the cast, and then drove right back home. While it may have been a crazy journey, that trip changed my life. I decided then and there that I wanted to produce this musical. It took a few years for licensing to become available, but when it did, I knew I had the perfect cast to make it all happen! I am so grateful to all of my students in the production for helping me bring Percy's story to the Pine Ridge Stage.


I am proud of this production and all the hard work that has gone into the past three months of rehearsals. I am especially proud of the cooperation, level of commitment, and teamwork that was demonstrated by everyone involved in this production. I would like to extend my gratitude and to the parents, friends, family, and community that helped make this show a reality.


To my Seniors--it is always bittersweet for me to watch our final production. I  will cherish all the memories we have made on the Pine Ridge Stage and beyond. It is hard to see you go, but I am so excited to see what you will do in the future!

Owen- My kid! Meeting you five years ago, I don't think either of us knew where you would end up! Thank you for enthusiastically stepping up into and and EVERY role I cast you in-- the theate program wouldn't be the same without you!

Pacey- I am so glad you auditioned for the fall play and decided to join the theatre program. You have been an unforgettable member of our troupe and I am so happy to see you on the stage.

Joseph- Ever since you auditioned for Sister Act, you have been a huge asset to our program! Thank you for accepting any task, no matter the size, and going above and beyond!

Cayden- you are definitely the master of disguise (or at least accents!). I absolutely love watching what you do with roles you embody. I mustachio a question... but I will shave it for later. :)

Daniel- You have surprised me in so many ways! Thank you for stepping out of your comfort zone to play Mr. D!

William- You may overwork yourself sometimes and always drown in paperwork, but I will miss your "old man" impressions and your dedication to hard work and excellence!

Dati- You are such a sweet and well-rounded performer! I have enjoyed working with you the past four years and wish nothing but the best for you!

Hannah- You are such a wonderful person to work with! YOu have an amazing voice and personality, and I am so grateful you came back to theatre senior year!

Kalib- You may have only started performing this past year, but it feels like you made up for it with being in as many things as possible this year! Thank you for taking on LITERALLY EVERYTHING!

Angel R- ANGEL! You are such a hard-working person! Thank you for always lending your creative talents and projection when needed! You rock!

Jonah- You are such and amazingly talented young man! Though our time together may be short, I am SO happy you chose to audition! 

Jasmine- You are such a sweet and kind person! I am so glad you decided to audition for the show! Thank you for joining our cast!

Myla- Joining my class may not have been planned, but I am so glad you did! I am excited to see what you do with all of your amazing skills, especially makeup!

Angel P- Your are one of the kindest and sweetest people! Your organization and creativity are top-notch, and I am so happy you joined our theatre family!

Madison- You are such a creatively quirky person, and I am grateful for the times I could hand you a crazy task and you took it and rolled with it. Thank you for lending your excellnce to everything you do!

Wyatt- You are such a supportive and helpful theatre kid! Thank you for always bringing your enthusiasm to the classroom and stage! Arrrrr!


To my wonderful cast and crew--

Thank you for helping make my directorial dream come true! This has been a killer quest, but I am so happy I had the perfect team to make it happen! Thank you all for being part of my theatre family. Thank you for helping create this amazing--and memorable-production!       -Mrs. Wright

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