The Lightning Thief The Percy Jackson Musical - April 11 - April 13, 2024

Pine Ridge High School


This year's production of The Lightning Thief combines the hard work, effort, and talents of over fifty students among the Theatre, Chorus, Band and Dance along with support from our wonderful staff and administration. The entire cast and crew would like to say a specal thank you to the following:


-Mr. Ryser for his continued support of the performing arts programs here at Pine Ridge High School.


-The parents and teachers for their cooperation and understanding of the time commitment necessary for the success of the production.


-Kenzie Bigott, Allie Johnson, and Paul Robinson for their continued support and cooperation in producing this amazing musical!


-Ms. Paquette for helping with props, sets, and fundraising!


-The entire custodial and cafeteria staff for their help and support.


- All of our sponsors for their continued support!


-Hagerty High School and Jamal Soloman for assistance with props!


-Craig Uppercue and John Dupuis for supporting our theatre program.


-Mrs. Tavenner, Mrs. Behanna, Amy Bauchle, and Ms. Palmer for help with advertising and purchasing supplies.


- The Ushers and Front of House Crew for helping things run smoothly!


-The Theatre Parents for their help in keeping kids fed, present, and thriving!


-Brenda Burgett for helping with our Theatre T-Shirts.


-Ellie Bare for their amazing choreography!


-Daniel Wright for helping make set pieces and props.


-Our amazing Costume, Set, Prop, Makeup, and Stage Crew for all their amazing work!


-Angel Pierre and our fantastic Publicity Crew for all their promotional ideas!


                                   We seriously can't thank you enough!

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