Disney's Mulan JR. - June 29 - July 01, 2018

Pine Elementary School

 End Notes 

Notes from the Director


For years the kids have been asking if we could do Mulan and I have always answered that I would never do that show. I prefer stories of Disney princesses and this show did not appeal to me at all. Unfortunately, the show I wanted to do this year was still not available for licensing and I had to come up with a plan B. I pulled scripts out of my files and started reading. I have no idea why, but for some reason Mulan felt “right”. Everyone that has aged out of the Jr. company and those in the newly formed Kids company, is now upset with me and disappointed that they can't be in the show. It's not the first time the older kids have felt this way and I hope it won't be the last!


That might seem like a terrible thing to say, but the fact that they wish they could still be here and in our shows tells me we are doing something right. We strive to create a space where young people can learn to express themselves and grow into strong, confident actors and individuals. A place to meet others with the same interests and develop friendships and memories that will last for a lifetime. Witnessing their excitement when seeing each other at auditions and knowing they don't want to leave when the run of the show is over is indicative of the family we have become.


Thank you for sharing your children with us for the last three months. I have enjoyed every single moment of it and I hope they have as well. I'm looking forward to next year, especially since my first choice for this year is now available!






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