Thank you to all of the parents who volunteered their time to make this production a success.
Special thanks to Dr. Alan Fegley, Dr. Le Roy Whitehead, Sandy Claus, Lorraine Kelly, The PASD School Board, Dr. Chamise Taylor, Dr. Brad Burpee, Mr. Kyle Worrell, Dr. Frank Garritano and the PAMS faculty, office staff and custodial staff for their support.
Headshots provided by Franco Sicilia Jr.
The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.
DVDs and USB Drives with the show are available for purchase through Phantom TV.
Order forms are located in the lobby.
Please refrain from using flash photography during the performance and
keep the aisles clear at all times.
There is no intermission during this evening's production. Please remain in your seat for the entire show. Concessions will be sold outside after the show.