A Seussified Christmas Carol - December 24

Performing Arts Academy of Manitoba

 Who's Who 

  • Coral-Louise Militere

    as Narrator #1

    Coral-Louise is a theater and voice instructor with the Performing Arts Academy and loves their job.

    They have performed in many local shows including Beauty and the Lonely Beast (Dramatic theater 2019), Murmurs of Earth (MaxQ productions- ongoing) and Stripped down Antony & Cleopatra (SIR 2017). They are also a singer and dancer with the Belgian Folkdancers of Manitoba. They hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and thank you for choosing to spend it with us!

  • Steph Adamov

    as Narrator #2

    No stranger to the Winnipeg Theatre scene, Steph's diverse theatrical background stems from their experience in the University of Winnipeg Production Honours Program. It includes over 6 Winnipeg Fringe Festivals where they have been a reviewer, stage manager and director. Steph stage-managed CBC acclaimed "Fragments" by Lara Rae (2017), "Can You Hear Me Now?", 100 Decibels: A Deaf Mime Troupe, with Shannon Guile (2014) and currently stage managing "Murmurs of Earth" by Gilles Messier (2021). They have also worked on Kelly Daniel's show "Shakespeare's Villains" (2019) for theMaster Playwright Festival.   Outside of theatre, Steph can be seen as a Board Member for the Rainbow Resource Centre, running around backstage as part of Pride Winnipeg's stage management crew or drumming with the Buffalo Gals drum circle. Steph hopes that you all enjoy our production today and remember to stay warm and safe during these turbulent times! 

  • KB Greenhill

    as The Scrooge

    In her Performing Arts Academydebut, KB is thrilled to bring to life The Scrooge! After completing a Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Performance at the University of Winnipeg's Theatre and Film Department, KB has enjoyed working with various local producers and companies. Previous work includes fringe shows The Fabulous 4 (2010), Antigone (2012), Sport of the Engineer (2018), and Mercury 13 (2019). KB has also had the honor to play Jaques in Midnight Montague's production of As You Like It (2016), and Tilly in an online reading of Grumplestock's (2020). KB wishes you and yours the best this holiday season, and is hoping that 2021 brings good tidings for all!

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