Scene 1: Bar-B-Que Dance Hall
Still Rockin' Cowboy Bob & Band Members
Let's Hear it For the Boy Rusty & Company
Scene 2: The Moore Home
Can You Find It In Your Heart? Vi
Scene 3: The Junkyard
Mama Says Willard, Garvin, Bickle, Jeter & Ren
Scene 4: The Train Bridge
Almost Paradise++ Ren & Ariel
Scene 5: The Town Hall
Scene 6: The Moore Home, Church
Heaven Help Me (Reprise) Shaw
Can You Find It In Your Heart? (Reprise) Shaw
Scene 7: The Gym
Footloose (Finale)* Company
All music by Tom Snow, except: *Kenny Loggins; **Sammy Hagar; +Jim Steinman; ++Eric Carmen
All Lyrics by Dean Pitchford, except; "Footloose" lyrics by Dean Pitchford and Kenny Loggins