Stella Spencer
as Chorus 1
Stella Spencer is a freshman at Paschal High School. She has previously been seen on the Paschal stage as Megan (Puffs) and Brigitta (The Sound of Music), with more to come this year. She would like to thank her four cats. “I’m Stella, and you’re watching Disney Channel!”
Haleijah Mwakitwile
as Chorus 2
Haleijah is a freshman at Paschal High School. She has been in three productions this school year and would like to personally thank her brother and her friends for their support through all of it. She would also like to thank the Walgreens down the street for its Red Bull and Celsius.
Molly Piper
as Chorus 3
Molly is a freshman at Paschal. Molly was recently seen as a nun in The Sound of Music. Molly would like to thank her mom for being amazing.
Ella Lawrence
as Chorus 4
Ella V is a sophomore at Paschal High School. She has been seen in multiple shows at PHS, most recently The Sound of Music and Puffs. She would like to thank her family, friends, and youth staff for always being endlessly supportive. She would also like to thank the directors for giving her a place in Paschal Theatre.
Abby Walters
as Chorus 5
Abby is a sophomore at Paschal High School. She was most recently seen as Liesl in The Sound of Music. Other shows she has been in include Little Women, Frankenstein, and Elf. “Thanks to my family for being so supportive and my friends for being the reason I love theatre so much!”