Macbeth & The Trial - October 25 - October 26, 2018

Parkway South High School

 Who's Who 

  • Macbeth Cast head shot

    Macbeth Cast

  • Sam Eads head shot

    Sam Eads

    as Bouffon 1

    Sam is a freshman at Parkway South High, and this is his first production. He would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him through the production, as well as the crew and his cast mates for such an amazing experience.

  • Andrea Counts* head shot

    Andrea Counts*

    as Bouffon 2

    And so it begins again: Andrea is a senior with 21.5 ITS points at Parkway South and this is probably her sixth production. She likes a lot of people such as her mom, her dog, and also the other mother Herrmann. She's glad you came, now please say a prayer that all her makeup has been washed off by the next time you see her.

  • Max Ludwig** head shot

    Max Ludwig**

    as Bouffon 3

    Max Ludwig is a senior with 38.5 ITS points at Parkway South High and this is his seventh production. He would like to thank his mom and dad for nonstop support during the production and his stressful senior year. Macbeth has been a blast and Max wants to thank his awesome cast mates for getting along and learning how to play the ukelele!

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