Leo Diedrich
as Rudyard Kipling/Mowgli
Leo Diedrich is in 8th grade and is glad to be in the drama program again, expeccially with a lead role this year. He loves being in the plays and has made many friends throughout the years. He also enjoys playing sports and writing stories. Even with Covid affecting the play, he is sure to have a great time acting and hopes you will too!
Allison Jenks
as Fielding/Shere Khan
Allie has been in the Parker productions for 3 years. She loves being in these plays and has made some of her best friends because of them. This year she is very excited to be playing a lead character. She is especially excited as she plays the villain. Allie has always had a soft spot for the antagonist, as she finds them much more unique and misunderstood.
Cole Grant
as Hanley/Tabaqui
Cole Grant is a 7th grader who is excited to participate in his second year of Parker Drama! Last year he played the role of Jetsam in The Little Mermaid Jr., and is thrilled to once again be playing the villain's sidekick. In his free time, Cole plays soccer, drums, and loves reading books. He's ecstatic to be a part of the Parker Drama community again!
John House
as Price/Akela
John is an eighth grader who is participating in his third Parker Middle School drama production. He has a passion for acting and is excited to portray both Headmaster Price and Akela in this play. In past years, John played the part of Marcellus Washburn in The Music Man Jr and as a Sea Creature/Sailor in The Little Mermaid Jr. John also plays the trumpet in concert band.
Tj Korwan
as Willies/Bagherra
Tj is is excited to be joining the cast of the Jungle Book as Bagheera the Panther and Chaplin Willies! This will be Tj's third show he has done at Parker along with The Music Man Jr. and The Little Mermaid Jr. He has made some of his closest friends through the program and is truly grateful to be a part of it. Enjoy the show!