We would like to offer a special thank you to everyone
who helped to make MARY POPPINS possible:
Our Corporate Sponsors:
Restore Community Church
Platte Woods United Methodist Church
All of the parent volunteers who provided snacks and meals to the cast, crew, and orchestra. It is much appreciated!
Dorian Allen
Dan Ayers
Cappies Hospitality Room Volunteers
Matthew Ashpaugh
Gretchen Devers
Caleb Fankhauser
Kate Padberg
Jeannice Peterson
Zach Ramsay
Shad Ramsey
Joseph Rogers
Shane Sandau
Karrie Strough
Emily Tobin & Junior Executive Council
Mr. Justin Ford & Park Hill Broadcasting Department
Park Hill Vocal Music Boosters
Dr. Brad Kincheloe and the Administration, Faculty and Staff of Park Hill High School