Cheaper By The Dozen - April 05 - April 07, 2019

Palm Springs High School Theatre Company


Cast Members and Crew  
Mr. Gilbreth  
Rowan Jordan  
Mrs. Gilbreth  
Ally Grein  
Anne Gilbreth  
Kyla Rist  
Ernestine Gilbreth  
Sarah Chavez  
Martha Gilbreth  
Jamie Gooding  
Frank Gilbreth  
Cameron Keys  
Bill Gilbreth  
David Carrillo  
Fred Gilbreth  
Josh Brabo  
Jackie Gilbreth  
Richard Arellano  
Dani Gilbreth  
Calysa Vaughan  
Lillian Gilbreth  
Paulina Reyes  
Mrs. Fitzgerald  
Madi Photias  
Dr. Burton  
Jeff Velasquez  
Joe Scales  
Andreas Tolliver  
Miss Brill  
Kiiana Castillo  
Matthew Dore  
Assistant Director  
Gus Sanchez  
Stage Manager [Right]  
Sierra Barrick  
Stage Manager [Left]  
Mariana Lanca  
Lighting Crew  
Jaelyn Robinson  
Prop Manager  
Fiona Lotito  
Props [Stage Right]  
Karina Lanca  
Props [Stage Left]  
Madison Bellinger  
Sound Technician [Stage Right]  
Ethan Amoroso  
Sound Technician [Stage Left]  
Victoria Blaney  
Costume Crew  
Elisabeth Garcia  
Costume Crew  
Kylee Ishmael  
Costume Crew  
Maddy Yates  

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