Hailey Adrianna Abreu, Grade 5
I would like to thank Mrs. Southworth and Ms. Jenny for casting me in the play as a lead. I have two sisters. I'm in the gifted class.
Delaney Anderson, Grade 2
I would like to thank my mom for being so kind about this. I am a bookworm. I love cats.
Amelie Andrade Torres, Grade 4
I would like to thank my mom for letting me be here. I love ice cream. I like soccer.
Valeria Andrade Torres, Grade 2
I would like to thank my mom for helping me practice my lyrics. I love to go to Defy and Jumping Jack's. I go to the playground and play on the monkey bars.
Brady Barber, Grade 5
I would like to thank Ms. Southworth for picking me to be a mini part and helping me. I am 10. My favorite movie is The Lion King.
Christopher Barber, Grade 5
I would like to thank my mom, my dad, Ms. Neron, Mrs. Tatum, Mrs. Jenny, and my bro and sis. I am the top reader in my class. I love The Dark Crystal.
Emily Barber, Grade 5
I would like to thank Ms. Neron for coming and helping us practice our songs because if there were no songs it wouldn't be a musical. I am really good at being a leader. I love soccer.
Abby Bassett, Grade 4
I would like to thank Nana B for paying for me to come here. I like Sky Zone. I like Zoomers.
Elizabeth Bassett, Grade 3
I would like to thank my grandmother for helping me practice. One fun fact about me is that I'm kind. The second fact about me is that I help people and give them a pencil if they need it.
Loyalty Bennett, Grade 4
I would like to thank my mom and dad for showing me the way to life. I'm VSCO. I love math and reading.
Branson Douglas Bores, Grade 3
I would like to thank my mommy for letting me in the play. I'm funny. Really. I'm special. No, really.
Alexis Camacho, Grade 4
I would like to thank my mom and dad and Southworth for everything you have done nice to me. I love Minecraft. I play soccer.
Cormya Canazos, Grade 4
I would like to thank my mom for keeping a roof over my head and putting food in my body. I'm funny to my two little brothers. I like to play with kids.
Jacob Cancel, Grade 3
I would like to thank Mrs. Southworth for letting me participate in The Lion King JR. I like math. I like school.
Lee Lee Cancel, Grade 5
I would like to thank Mr. Ahrens because he spends his time teaching me. I'm funny. I like soccer.
Ani Chirinos Paz, Grade 5
I would like to thank my family for supporting me in the play. I love gaming. I love drawing.