Welcome to our season opener, Footloose! We are so excited to bring this musical to life for you! We are a husband-and-wife team from right here in Clay County. We were both involved in theater when we were young and were brought back to the stage when our own children began performing here at OPCT.
We love this show and were particularly drawn to its music. Having grown up in the 80's, this show brings us so much nostalgia, with hit songs by Kenny Loggins, Bonnie Tyler, Sammy Hagar, Ann Wilson, Eric Carmen, and more. It was such a pleasure to share this music with the young people who make up a substantial portion of the cast! We believe the theater, especially a production like this, gives young people and adults an opportunity to find common ground and grow relationships through acting, singing, and dancing (something that is definitely lacking in Bomont, where our story takes place).
We also acknowledge the significance of this show's message—one that highlights the importance of self-determination, artistic expression, love of family, empathy, and progress. We thank the cast and crew, who have worked so hard through literal blood, sweat, and tears...and so much dancing! We hope they have you moving and singing along as you enjoy Footloose!
Michelle and Geoff DuChemin, Directors