Cinderella (Enchanted Edition) - July 25 - July 28, 2013

Orange Community Players

 Break a Leg! 



Honk, Honk!

Nancy Harris



Lisa Woodward,

You are “demo-liciously’’ wicked!

Nancy Harris



Break a Leg Andrea! 

So glad you save the ‘wicked’ sister part for the stage!

Love and Hugs to you on your OCP debut! 

Jonny, Danny, Mom and Dad



Good Luck Keir!

Lots of Love
Shauna, Bret, and Lola

     Mom, Dad, Grammie, Grandda,
     Granddaddy and Grandma

 A huge THANKS to my fantastic costume crew!  
Jo, Yvette, Colleen, Christine, Dawn, Diane, Julie and Gabi.  You guys seriously ROCK!   I couldn't have done it without you!  
A very special thanks (with hugs and kisses) to my big sis - Carolyn - who made it all happen when I was doing my "other" job!



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