OVST Mission
The Ohio Valley Summer Theater is a non-profit organization celebrating its 64th season. OVST is a collaboration between the Southeastern Ohio community and Ohio University. It provides sustainable, educational, and independent community theater and delivers high quality and diverse theatrical experiences appreciated by a widening volunteer base and a growing regional audience.
OVST 2015 Board of Directors
President Kelee Riesbeck
Vice President Tracy Kelly
Secretary Faith Knutsen
Treasurer Shmuel Roth
Artistic Director Carol Patterson
Managing Director Marlo Tinkham
Seasonal Show Admin. Tracy Kelly
OVST Board Harolyn Brient, John Burns, Michael Comperchio,
Susan Gilfert, John Glazer, Bonnie Hall, Gwen LeBar, Jodi McNeal,
Mary Lee Powell, Matt Swintek, Dayton Willison
OVST would like to extend special thanks to
9 Tables, Acting Pals, Actors Guild of Parkersburg, Actors’ Theatre of Columbus, Akron School of the Arts, Ambassador Dry Cleaning, Athens Uncorked, Sandy Bortle, Butterstick Bakery, Columbus Children's Theatre, Jonathan Denhart, Ms. Dioguardi, Barb Fiocchi, Tom Fiocchi, Ledger Free, Alexis Fritchley, Andre Gribou, Barb Harrison, Kayla Hoffman, Insomnia Cookies, Lowell Jacobs, Michael Lincoln, Mid-Ohio Valley Ballet Company, Mid-Ohio Valley Players, Minuteman Press, Ohio University Create Space Lab, Ohio University T.A.G.S. (Theatre Association for Graduate Students), Shelly Riggs, The ABC Players, The Herbal Sage Tea Company, Andrew Traschsel, Uptown Costumes, Meryl Walker, Daniel Winters, WOUB Public Media
Mary Poppins ability to fly was enhanced in part by magical donations from

Want to join the fun? Visit us on the web at www.ovst.org and sign up for our newsletter. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter @OVST_Athens for updates on upcoming seasons, auditions, technical positions, tickets and fun events!
Special Announcements: There will be one 15 minute intermission. Concessions are available in the lobby. There is no cell phone use during the performance. Please turn the sound completely off on all devices. The actors will be using the aisles during the show. Emergency exits are located behind you.
Back cover artwork from P.L. Travers' Mary Poppins series, c. 1938-88, illustrated by Mary Shepard.