The Little Mermaid - April 19 - April 28, 2024

Oak Hill High School

 End Notes 

And now for others...


Amy: Your friendship is one of the most invaluable things I hold in my life.  Thank you for dealing with my crazy.  Always pushing me to see other sides.  Encouraging me.  Being my traveling buddy, going and seeing shows and dreaming through what that would look like if we did it.  For telling me when I need to reassess or even for agreeing when I say things I thought I'd never say out loud (you totally know what I'm talking about...ha!).  You are fiercely loved.


Stephanie: When I go back to the day that I proposed this position to you in the hallway, I'm SO GLAD YOU AGREED.  You have made my life so much easier and helped keep me organized.  Thank you for always being as equally excited as me when things would come together, pantaloons or feather capes showed up, and being the go between through emails.  


Danielle: So many memories of shows, and I'm so glad you are joining us once again.  I am so thankful for your friendship and willingness to be backstage and create the magic.  Love you, friend (even if you don't claim me most of the time...).


Dave: Thank you for always being the one I can go to.  Your friendship means the world!  I know it is weird doing backstage without a kiddo in the program anymore...but I'm so thankful you are here, directing the magic backstage, and being the best fog bomb.  Just please don't set off the fire alarms this year.


Andy: Thank you for being one of our biggest cheerleaders and joining us as basically on staff but not really.  Ha!  Amy and I greatly appreciate all you do and your leadership with our students.  Thanks for always being willing to put in the time and hard work!


Ashlynn & Mere: I am so thankful that you joined us last year and stayed with us!  The choreography is amazing, and I don't think people realize how hard it is to corral 80 kids on a stage.  Ha!  We love you both so much.  Thank you for all you do and have done!


And thank you, Oak Hill Community.  Thank you for supporting our dreams, and allowing us to have around three hours of your time to bring a story alive on stage.  If you do not laugh at some point in this production, or possibly shed a tear or feel some sort of emotional response, we have not done our job.


Thank you for making us a part of your world,


Miss K

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