The Little Mermaid - April 19 - April 28, 2024

Oak Hill High School

 End Notes 

Something I look forward to is seeing how our spring musical will grow and stretch.  And this has definitely been a growth and stretch year!  These kids have been excited from the beginning (well, maybe not when I tried to fool them, and then tried to have Jeremy Jordan fool them, by saying it was Cats...). Maybe I'm crazy doing a double cast for most leads...but I think you will see the talent really demanded that.  These are some of the best kiddos you will ever meet.


Something that truly struck me this year is how much this program has grown.  Thinking back to the days where it was just me and another school employee doing all during runs, I look now and see that I have an amazing team that sees the value in what we do, and helps fill in all of the gaps.  And I'm super appreciative.  Each and every one of the parents or community members that has offered time, money,'s overwhelming to think about, but you have no idea the impact you have made on these kids.  Thank you for supporting them.  Now onto some more specific thank-you's.

To my seniors...


Jenni: This has been an amazing adventure!  We will truly miss you as a person, your dance ability, and your amazing work ethic next year!  You have truly left a legacy on our stage.


Isabelle: Girl, you still don't even realize the talent you hold, but I hope you at least have seen a glimpse of it.  Always shine bright and never back away from who you are!


Hayden C: I'm so glad you have joined us with tech!  My favorite memory with you is up in the light booth during Thespian Regionals at Avon.  I love your attitude and willingness to try!


Brady C: I know you basically were forced to do this with us originally, but I choose to believe you wanted to hang out with us because we are cool.  I'll miss you and your shenanigans next year!


Kayah: From being the little in our earlier shows to now a lead...I'm so proud of you.  You have overcome so much and shine so bright.  I'm so excited to see where the future takes you!


Lillian K: I'm so excited to see where life takes you!  Never stop striving and pushing for those dreams.  I want to try all the amazing things you are going to bake!  You are amazing.


Lillian L: It has been such a fun journey with you, but probably my favorite part was watching you realize the potential that I and others saw in you all along.  Girl.  You are going to do big things.  You are loved.


Saralyn: I know it's not Newsies for your senior show, but rocked this role better than I could have ever imagined.  Thank you for always leading and guiding with a smile on your face.  That is going to be so missed next year!


Brady Q: I love the stories of how students end up in our program...and yours is up there with it!  Thank you for following your friends and then now ending up with huge roles.  You will be so missed next year!



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