This year's production combined the unique and varied talents of over one hundred students, staff, parents and community members. The entire ensemble would like to say a very special thank you to the following:
- Mike McDivitt for his continued support and help not only with this production, but also with the entire HS theatre program.
- To the OHUSC school board and Shane Edwards for allowing us to update our performance space whenever able.
- The parents, teachers and coaches of the ensemble for their cooperation and understanding of the huge time commitment necessary for the success of the production.
- Joel Martin, Greg Perkins, Rob Martin, Nijaul Drollinger, and Valree Kinch for all of their support.
- The entire OHHS custodial staff for their help and understanding.
- Glen Devitt for the ensemble's photography.
- To all the parents for contacting businesses and raising funds for our show.
- All the businesses listed in the Playbill for their generous donations to our production.
- PayK12/Ticketracker staff for running ticket sales so smoothly and answering our numerous questions.
- Indiana Wesleyan University and Westview High School in Shipshewana for costumes and props.
- Garth Miller for the AMAZING set that was beyond what we ever dreamed (we say this every time, but it's so true!), and for being THE MAN behind the scenes!
- Hoosier AM/FM radio (1400 WBAT, Star 106.9 FM, 99.3 WCJC, WMRI 860AM) for their recording of all radio spots for the show by their own staff, free of charge.