Savanna Robertson
Stage Manager
Senior, Thespian-This Savanna's seventh show in the OTHS theatre program and fifth show stage managing. She would like to thank her friends and family for all of their support and Mrs. Eve for the most wonderful experience! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Abby Samuelson
Assistant Stage Manager
Junior, Thespian-This is Abby's sixth show with the OTHS theatre program. Abby previously worked lights for the theatre before becoming Assistant Stage Manager. She would like to thank her parents and siblings for being so supportive and helpful. She would also like to thank Mrs. Eve, Savanna Robertson, and everyone else in theatre that has made this year so amazing.
Caroline Suydam
Light Designer
Senior, Thespian-This is Caroline's last show in her high school career. She has been happy to paint the scene in front of you for 4 years and she's happy to pass it onto the amazing Brooklyn Cardona.
Brooklyn Cardona
Spotlight Operator
Freshman- Brooklyn has done lights for one other show, Back to the 80's this past fall. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Austin Lewis
Spotlight Operator
Sophomore-This is Austin's second show at OTHS and he is on light crew. He was an actor in Back to the 80's and is excited for learning and doing lights.