All Shook Up - March 15 - March 23, 2019

Nyack High School Drama Club

 Who's Who 

  • Theodore Bass head shot

    Theodore Bass

    as Chad

    On top of a mountain stood Teddy Bass. In his hands, he held aloft two stone tablets. The tablets, while bereft of engravings, contained the dormant energy of an ancient and wise spirit. The spirit began to speak. It told stories from its past, about life in the old country. Most importantly, however, it told Teddy to return to school to put on one last show. They both hope you enjoy All Shook Up.

  • Loren Delemos head shot

    Loren Delemos

    This is Loren’s second musical in the high school. She is very excited to be a part of this show and she thanks her mom, Glenis, dad, Roy, and sister Alyssa. Also she thanks Augie, Carrie, and Anthony for helping her and everyone. Enjoy the show!

  • Laura DiSimone head shot

    Laura DiSimone

    Laura is excited to be in her last production with the Nyack High School Drama Club. She has been involved heavily as President, dance captain, production manager, cast and crew. Laura can’t wait to pursue her passion for theater at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy next year. She is very thankful for everything she learned and the opportunities she has had in the club.

  • Piper Englert head shot

    Piper Englert

    is All Shook Up about this being her last show at Nyack High School. She’s had a crazy amount of fun these past four years and is extremely grateful for the experience this amazing Drama Club has given her! She will miss it, VERY MUCH.    

  • Erica Flores head shot

    Erica Flores

    is excited and emotional to participate in her last ever musical at Nyack High School. She would like to thank her hard working mother for driving her back and forth to rehearsals because she was too lazy to get her license, Joe, Kurt, Augie and Carrie for inspiring her constantly, her friends, boyfriend and her father for being her motivation for everything she does in life.

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