The Lion King Jr - February 05 - February 06, 2016

Notre Dame Marist Academy


Thank you for all of our wonderful parent, and student volunteers who helped in making this production so fantastic!


Set Construction: Tom Bennett, Chair

Lynne Leach, Gitta Judd, Jerry Mcghee, Kelly Rich, Steven Rich,

Cheri Lasota, Fanar Soumo


Costumes: Nicole Stanczak, Chair

Louise Palardy, Jeff Leithauser, Tracy Leithauser, Carla Hodges


Masks: Amber Housey and Jennifer Beaudoin


Publicity: Tina Cusac, Chair


Program Design: Lisa Hanigan, Chair


Cast Meals and Cast Party: Liz Urqhart, Chair


House Committee: Beth Niepokuj and Patrece Cade, Chair

Bridget Evans, Kelly Rich, Carolyn Dayton


Concessions and Flower Sale: Heather Sullivan, Chair


We would like to thank others who helped make

our animal kingdom come to life.


John Blakeslee our show would not be the same without your herd of wildabeasts!  


Thank you to Louise Palardy and Creative Costumes Online for your generous hours of designing and building our animals!


To our wonderful parents and students who volunteered their time on Saturdays to help create our costumes, mask, and sets.  We would not have a show without the countless hours you donated!


Thank you to Julie Frakes and the facilities team.


Thank you to our hair and makeup volunteers for helping to complete the look.


Back stage crew, sound, and lights thank you for helping to bring the show to life.


Thank you to Tim Philippart and the NDPMA Parents Club for your support and helping perform at this beautiful facility.


We would like to say thank you to Larry Jack for coordinating the bus transportation.


A big thank you to Fr. Leon Olszamowski, Diana Atkins, and Jill Mistretta for supporting the fine arts programs at our school.  


A special thank you to Drew Fry 

and the theater students of Lake Orion High School.  

We are extremely grateful for their help and guidance!

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